In-School Training

Every school is unique which is why our in-school training is tailored to your needs. Our training shares the latest research on what works to improve wellbeing and gives practical strategies for bringing this to life in real classrooms. This training can be delivered remotely too.

Wellbeing In The Primary Classroom
Based on the award-winning book, this training shares evidence-based ways to improve pupil and staff wellbeing.
Pupil wellbeing​
Happier pupils do better in school, they get on better with their peers and the studies show they tend to be more successful in life. Our training shows teachers how to weave wellbeing into their lessons and throughout the curriculum, with a particular focus on:
· Positive relationships
· Mindfulness
· Physical activity
· The science of kindness
· Growth mindset
· Developing optimism

Teacher Wellbeing and Self-care
Based on the best-selling book, this training shares practical ways that staff can take good care of themselves and their colleagues.
Staff wellbeing and self-care​
Teaching staff deserve to enjoy their jobs and find pleasure and purpose in what their lives. This training shares simple, research-backed ideas to help staff take back control of their lives and their wellbeing, with a particular focus on:
· Purpose & values
· Perspective
· Managing workload
· Finding balance
· Positive relationships
· Developing agency
This training is delivered by Adrian Bethune and co-author Dr Emma Kell and can be delivered as a series of twilights or half-day inset.